There are literally millions of e-books that claim they will tell you “secrets” of how to make loads of money. have never met anyone who bought one of these e-books and made any money from it apart from reselling it.
To make money on google adsense, or any other advert publishing service (see bottom of page for the 2 major advert publishing services besides Google Adsense) you need 2 things. Traffic and keyword targeted content. Each keyword has a value. This is the maximum bid made my people wanting to advertise their products or services using this keyword. The maximum bid is the maximum you will get if someone clicks on an advert using that keyword.
Lets start with the keyword targeted content. We offer 4 keyword lists, 2 free lists and 2 premium lists. Our free lists are listed by the maximum bid (CPC/Cost Per Click) and Number of recent searches. The list with the number of recent searches is handy if you want content that is currently a hot searched for item on the search engines. This can be used to get extra traffic to your website. However, the main list that we will focus on is the maximum bid (CPC) list. This is the list that will bring in the best return for your efforts, giving you the maximum price per click.