Following in the footsteps of our recent popular post “WordPress: To upgrade or not to upgrade, that is the question” we have decided to show an example of how many plugins are not available for the latest (or even the previous) version of wordpress.
When upgrading wordpress, you should always check all of your plugins to see if they will work or have been tested with the version of wordpress you want to use.
Searching for new plugins
When searching for plugins via or from within your wordpress blog (under the plugins, add plugin section) it unfortunately does not let you search for plugins that will work with your wordpress version. The default search result sort order is “relevance”. For the following test we searched for a “popular posts” plugin and have selected the first 10 plugins that met our requirements. Below are all the version stats on each plugin. As you can see, only 4 are stated as being compatible with wordpress version 3.0.2, 6 are stated as only working with previous versions of wordpress. While checking your plugins for the wordpress version may seem obvious, it is something that is overlooked by most users.
It makes it even harder when you are upgrading wordpress and should manually check each plugin for their wordpress compatible version number so that you can be sure you will not upgrade only to find that some, or all of your plugins do not work.
1) Popular Posts
Compatible up to 2.9.2
2) Ranged Popular Posts
Compatible up to 3.0.2
3) Simple Popular Posts
Compatible up to 2.9.2
4) Easy Popular Posts
Compatible up to 3.0.2
5) Yet Another Most Popular Posts
Compatible up to 2.7.1
6) WP-Popular Posts Tool
Compatible up to 3.0.2
7) Popular Posts
Compatible up to 2.6.2
8) WordPress Popular Posts
Compatible up to 3.0.0
9) Most Popular Posts
Compatible up to 3.0.2
10) Popularity Contest
Compatible up to 2.8.0